Dr. Shengxin (Sam) Xu

Consultant Psychiatrist
**Reviewing referrals for limited new patients - Wait time approx 4 months**


Bachelor of Medicine
Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (FRANZCP)

Dr. Shengxin (Sam) Xu is a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) with advanced psychiatric training in General Adult Psychiatry.

He has a special interest in assessing the impact of trauma on people’s mental health and trauma therapy. He believes in using medication only when necessary. He understands that medication can be helpful in treating certain mental health conditions, but he also believes that many people can recover from therapy alone.

Generally speaking, Dr. Xu prefers to see his patients for a number of sessions rather than one or two. He has found that this approach helps him develop a deeper understanding of the patient’s suffering to provide holistic and accurate treatment recommendations with more satisfactory outcomes.